суббота, 30 августа 2008 г.

Simple Plan - Simple plan (2008)

Edward McCaffery (USC) has posted A Consumed Income Tax: A Fair and Simple Plan for Tax Reform on SSRN. Here is the abstract: These are slides from a presentation to the President's Advisory Panel on Tax Reform, given in Washington
It is always best to keep the basic website Design as simple as possible, not only because you are just starting out, but crucially because people dislike busy content. Try to achieve a consistent layout across all the pages,
@page size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm P margin-bottom: 0.21cm A:link so-language: zxx >. Did I also mention that my daily paper fix comes from the FT. I dip into the FT most mornings prior to heading up to the Outblaze
MK: You dont put the balloon there. (over at the bbq pit) MK: Later the balloon explode then you know. Explode your head. It's burst you idiot. I cannot believe how timely Saturday was. I bumped into people i didn't want to bump or see.
@page size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm P margin-bottom: 0.21cm A:link so-language: zxx >. Did I also mention that my daily paper fix comes from the FT. I dip into the FT most mornings prior to heading up to the Outblaze
So, I came up with a very simple plan.I am asking for 3000 people to each send me one dollar. I promise I will only use it to pay for the video and I will publicly Thank each donor on this blog. I mean, its just a buck.and its for

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